The winter season at Alpe di Mera has come to an end!Thank you for choosing us and sharing it with us.

Skipass regulation

regolamento biglietteria

Terms & Conditions


This regulation refers to all Monterosa Ski passes, that is pedestrian tickets, daily passes, several-day passes (consecutive days or non-consecutive days) and season passes.
Purchasing the ski pass implies the full understanding and acceptance of all the sales’ conditions, established by this regulation as displayed to the public by each ticket office.
The Monterosa Ski area is owned by two companies: Monterosa S.p.A. for the lifts and slopes in Aosta Valley and Monterosa 2000 S.p.A. for the lifts and slopes in Piedmont.

1. Before using the lifts, clients must equip themselves with a valid transport ticket. Type, validity and rates of the transport tickets are established by the company and published on the official website and available at the ticket offices. The price of the daily and several-day Monterosa Ski pass is dynamic: the rate is calculated by the system and may change depending on different calculations and variables. Depending on the seasonality, the minimum price is set at Euro 38,00 and the maximum at Euro 65,00: these reference rates are the ones for online purchase that is, at any time, cheaper than the purchase at the ticket office which includes a supplement of Euro 5.00. In the event of purchase at the ticket office, clients has to check that the ticket he receives is the one he asked for. It is not possible to change or extend the issued tickets already used at a later date. All tickets CANNOT be REFUNDED or REPLACED with other tickets (neither for technical problems nor for bad weather or wind).

2. The MONTEROSA SKI ski area pass allows you to ski on all the slopes and lifts of the stations that make up the Monterosa Ski area, including the Wold and Alpe di Mera. Free tickets < 8 years old are NOT valid at Wold station.

3. The Monterosa Ski several consecutive-day passes rate is dynamic and the price is the result of the sum of the daily rates to which is applied a percentage of discount. For the stations in which is applied a fix rate, for several consecutive-day passes that straddle two different periods the rate applied is the one corresponding to the first day of validity. This rule is not applied in the ski resorts where are available several consecutive-day passes for the workdays.

4. All tickets CANNOT be REFUNDED or REPLACED with other tickets (neither for technical problems nor for bad weather or wind).

5. When purchasing skipasses online, client can add to the order the CANCELLATION PROTECTION that allows to request for the cancellation of the order within 5 days before the first validity day of the skipass. The reimbursement is given as a promocode valid until the end of the following winter season. The value of the promocode is the sum of the skipass quote, the insurance and skipass card quotes if bought, excluding the cost of the cancellation protection itself .

6. ALL TICKETS are STRICTLY PERSONAL AND UN-TRANSFERABLE. Any misuse and in particular the transfer or the selling to a third person of the ticket will lead to an immediate revocation and to the application of administrative and penal sanctions provided for by law (see L.R. Valle d’Aosta n°20/2008, L. 363/2003, L.R. 2/2009 Piedmont Region and D.P.R. 11/7/1980 n°753). In case of regional tickets (Aosta Valley season tickets and several day-tickets and teleskipass), the whole procedure is managed directly by them

7. The beginning and ending of the lifts' activity for each season is decided by the Company; the decision is made considering different conditions such as, in example, climate conditions, snow conditions, safety conditions. The publication of the opening and closing day is has an approximate value and is not a commitment to open or keep open the ski resort. The operation of each ski season can be suspended at any time, temporary or permanently, by the Company on the basis of the climate and snow conditions, for safety reasons or other justified reasons.
The operation can be also suspended at any time due to force majeure reasons such as, in example, electric black out, strikes, fire, hearth quacke, war, terroristic attack, epidemic and, more in general, for reasons not depening on the will or the control of the Company.
In the event of suspension of the service for one of the above mentioned reasons, no reimbursement is due, unless foreseen by the law.
Particularly, referring to seasonal and annual passes, the client assumes the risk that the season can be shorter than foreseen, being this risk compensated by the advantage of using the lifts at a flat rate.

8. The number and the type of lifts and the slopes available daily is decided by the Direction and the public is informed of this by advertising at the ticket office and through the official web site.
The number and the type of lifts and the slopes available daily may change even during the day - without any notice - for technical, service, safety or force majeure reasons such as, in example, electrical black out, strikes or, more in general, for reasons not depending on the will or the control of the Company.
The Company may close to public some lifts, slopes or areas for races or events and can also reserve some slopes to allow training for sport clubs.
For the above reasons, as well as for waitings at the lifts occurring for any reason, no reimbursement - even partial - is foreseen.
Only if lifts are partially or totally closed due to the wind, is offered a voucher to be used at Monterosa SpA and Monterosa 2000 SpA companies webshops to owners of daily or several-day pass who ask for a reimbursement.

9. All tickets are valid on opening days and according to the operating hours established independently by the companies that make up the Monterosa Ski area, they will not be valid during the night openings of the Alagna-Pianalunga cable car organized on the occasion of the Dinners. Seasonal area tickets are valid from the opening day of the first station that starts the season and until the closing day of the last station in calendar order. Alpe di Mera season pass is valid in the whole Monterosa Ski area (Indren lift not included) from the beginning of the season to 24 December 2023 and from 25 March 2024 to the end of the season.

10. In order to have the right for special rates foreseen for: adults, teens under 18, seniors, young people under 14 and kids under 8 and in order to buy Monterosa Ski and Aosta Valley tickets YOU WILL HAVE TO SHOW, while purchasing the ticket, IDENTITY DOCUMENTS (taxpayer’s code number, identity card, health-care card, driving licence and so on). Self-certification are not accepted.

11. TEEN are those born after October 31st 2005. JUNIORS are those born after October 31st 2009. BABY are those born after October 31st 2015. Senior are those born before 31/05/1959. The promotion for categories tickets are valid all days of seasons.

12. Discounts for residents in Unione Montana Valsesia, landowners and tourism employees will be possible by purchasing a card worth Euro 30.00 for those who wish to subscribe to the seasonal pass and Euro 5.00 for those who intend to purchase the daily pass.

13. The rigid support, called KEYCARD, on which each transport ticket is loaded is SOLD at the price of Euro 2.00; KEYCARD must not be punched and has to be always taken with you. Inside the support there is a chip which stores the ticket’s data and its use. The KEYCARD will be valid for several years and can be used in any Aosta Valley skiing resort and Alpe di Mera too. In case it doesn’t work properly, you have to buy it again and pay 2,00 Euros.

14. In case of LOSS or STEALING of Monterosa Ski or ski resort SEASONAL or ANNUAL passes, the user must immediately give warning to the responsible of the ticket offices. In order to have a duplicate issued, a self-declaration for the loss/stealing and a copy of the season ticket’s delivery document (issued at the counters during the purchase) will have to be shown; moreover the user will have to pay Euro 20,00 as reimbursement for secretary’s costs and Euro 2,00 for the sale of the new KeyCard.

15. In case of LOSS or STEALING of a several and consecutive day pass, an equivalent pass will be issued. In order to have this you will have to show: self-declaration for the loss/stealing, the receipt (issued together with the ski pass while you purchased it), you will have to pay Euro 20,00 as secretary’s costs + Euro 2,00 for the sale of the new Monterosa Ski card. If one of these documents will be missing, you will have to buy the ticket full-price.

16. In case of LOSS of a DAILY, MORNING or AFTERNOON pass, the skier will have to go to the closest ticket office and buy a new pass full price.

17. In case of INJURY: rescue on slopes is on payment (Euro 200,00 for each intervention) in accordance with the Regional Law n.4, 4th March 2016 and Piedmont Regional Law, 2/2009. For those who have purchased, together with the pass, the insurance SNOWCARE or MULTISPORT offered at the ticket office, and only with the intervention of the rescue staff (tel.0039/0163 922 922) who will draw up the report, the insurance company (Gbc Mountain) will assess the reimbursement. It is important that you contact the Insurance Company within 10 days from the accident. Neither reimbursement nor validation by the Ski Facilities Society for those tickets that do not have insurance.

18. According to the Piedmont regional law n. 2 of 01/26/2009 Art. 32, paragraph 1 bis l "...the use of the ski slopes is subject to the stipulation of an insurance contract for civil liability by the user for damages or injuries that he may cause to third parties, including the Company".

19. The Company declines any responsibility for injuries occured from the inappropriate use of the lifts, nor the consequences of not compliant behaviours of the clients during their permanence on the lifts, on the slopes or their pertinences, such as in example, speed and behaviours not appropriate to one's capacities or conditions of the terrain, of the snow, of the weather or of the traffic on slopes, but also not respecting the indication given by the official signage such as skiing on a closed slope and/or off piste. 15. Non compete alcun rimborso o risarcimento, neppure parziale, in caso di mancato utilizzo/impossibilità di utilizzo del Titolo di Trasporto per malattia o per atti, fatti o cause imputabili all’acquirente.

20. No refund is foreseen, not even partial, in the event of non-use of a ticket due to illness, facts or causes attributable to the client.

21. The purchase of the ticket entails the duty to SHOW it at the simple instance of the checking staff (whether they are Policemen, Carabinieri, Forestale, Lift Society people or those in charge of the lifts).

22. You can access the lifts only if YOU HAVE WITH YOU A LIFT PASS.

23. In case you FORGET the daily, morning, afternoon or several  day pass, you have to BUY A NEW ONE valid for your skiing day. In case you FORGET the season pass you will have to pay a substitutive daily pass at the price of Euro 10,00.

24. In Compliance with clause 13 of UE Rulement 679/2016 referred to the Protection of the personal data, we wish to inform you that your data are filed on paper and electronically, and are kept at our head office for the purpose of providing the services you

25. The ticket office and access systems used in Monterosa SpA and Monterosa 2000 SpA plan the recording of the passages for each pass as often as they go through a gate, allowing us to geolocalize each ticket. In the areas of the ticket office, boarding and disembarkation of the Chardonney-Laris gondola, there are some cameras for the MONITORING. Images will be stored only for safety reasons. The images are kept for security reasons. According to art. 13 of the UE Regulation 679/2016, the privacy of these information is granted and the information are kept for security and insurance reasons, for statistic evaluations and for controllling the correct use of the tickets.

26. In the Monterosa Ski area there are webcams (not directly owned by the society) that shoot still images from far away (no recognisability), with the only aim to give information about weather conditions. In Compliance with clause 13 of UE Rulement 679/2016 referred to the Protection of the personal data, we do assure that these recorded images will be kept strictly reserved.

27. For operative reasons, we do use interphone systems. In Compliance with clause 13 of UE Rulement 679/2016 referred to the Protection of the personal data, we do guarantee the confidentiality of the information given for the only execution of the ticket office procedures.

28. The recovery and transport by lifts carried out outside the established operating hours entails the charging, by the recovered customer, of an extraordinary cost of Euro 250,00 (VAT included) for each hour or fraction of hours of exercise.




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